Thursday, 24 May 2012

CEHv7 Introduction To Ethical Hacking

This is the introduction To Ethical Hacking You Must Need To Know. Befamiliar with everything which is listed here .

Understand The essential hacker terminology.  
Make sure you’re familiar with and can define the terms  :
target of evaluation (TOE), 
and attack.

Understand the difference between ethical hackers and crackers.
 Ethical hackers are security professionals who act defensively. Crackers are malicious hackers who choose to inflict damage on a target system.

Know the classes of hackers. It’s critical to know the differences among black-hat, whitehat, and gray-hat hackers for the exam. Know who the good guys are and who the bad guys are in the world of hacking.
White hats are the good guys, the ethical hackers who use their hacking skills for defensive
Black hats are the bad guys: the malicious hackers or crackers who use their skills for illegal
or malicious purposes
Gray hats are hackers who may work offensively or defensively, depending on the situation.
This is the dividing line between hacker and cracker.

Know the phases of hacking. 
  1. Passive and active reconnaissance, footprinting [the first step of ethcial hacking ] 
  2. Scanning or Port scanning and enumeration  [the second step of ethical hacking ]
  3. Gaining access [is when the real hacking takes place.]
  4. Maintaining access,
  5. and Covering tracks
    are the five phases of hacking.
Know the order of the phases and what happens during each phase.

Be aware of the types of attacks
Understand the differences between active and passive
and inside and outside attacks. 
-> The ability to be detected is the difference between active
and passive attacks. 
-> The location of the attacker is the difference between inside and outside

Know the ethical hacking types
Hackers can attack the network from a remote network, a remote dial-up network, or a local network, or through social engineering, stolen equipment, or physical access.

Understand the security testing types
Ethical hackers can test a network using :
or Gray-box testing techniques.

Black-box testing involves performing a security evaluation and testing with no
prior knowledge of the network infrastructure or system to be tested.

White-box testing involves performing a security evaluation and testing with
complete knowledge of the network infrastructure such as a network administrator would
Gray-box testing involves performing a security evaluation and testing internally.
Testing examines the extent of access by insiders within the network.

Know the contents of an ethical hacking report. 
An ethical hacking report contains information on the hacking activities performed, network or system vulnerabilities discovered, and countermeasures that should be implemented.

Know the legal implications involved in hacking. 
The Cyber Security Enhancement Act of 2002 can be used to prosecute ethical hackers who recklessly endanger the lives of others.
Be aware of the laws and punishment applicable to computer intrusion.

This is the introduction To Ethical Hacking You Must Need To Know. Befamiliar with everything which is listed here .

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